Black women have always been a force for democratic change, often underresourced but always weaving threads of determination into whole cloth. They confront the status quo and rock the concept of business-as-usual with grit, imagination and tenacity.
SRPUnerased is proud to partner with the Black Women’s Roundtable to spotlight change agents on the ground across seven states leading civic engagement and electoral wins that impact where people live and thrive.
We salute these Rock Stars who are leading the charge in organizing, civic engagement and ground power.

Sheila Tyson
Alabama Coalition on Black Civic Participation
“We’re not put in leadership positions, just to hold the position… We need to create a table to serve all of the underserved people in the state of Alabama.”

Letetia Daniels Jackson
“I stand on the shoulders of my mother, because she made a way out of no way. I am the fifth of five children and with an eighth grade education she sent us all to college.”

Salandra Benton
Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation
“We cannot just show up for the presidential election cycle. We need to show up for the school board, mayors and other state races, because they can kill us before we ever get to the presidential election.”

Sheena Meade
“What happened in 2018, we saw the instant impact of [Amendment 4]. Instantaneously 1.4 million people gained the right to vote and we have to get the word out there.”

Felicia Davis
Director, HBCU Green Fund
“How do you make a way out of no way? The same way you make something out of nothing. It’s divine alchemy and every Black woman has that power.”

Deborah Scott
State Partner, NCBCP Unity 2020 GA
“Georgia is on everybody’s mind…The women had been doing the work and knew what was about to happen. As goes Georgia, goes the south.”

Helen Butler
Executive Director, Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda (GCPA)
“Black women have always made a lot out of little. We have always been there for the community. We make it happen.”

Tameka Ramsey
Michigan Coalition on Black Civic Participation
“In the state of Michigan, we are organizers. I will continue to organize for a better community and better resources for my village.”

Stephanie Moore
“I do what I do in Michigan because Black women deserve clean water, housing, the ability to be entrepreneurs, and raise our children and families in communities where we feel safe, protected and loved.”

Cassandra Welchlin
Mississippi Coalition on Black Civic Participation
“I do what I do in Mississippi, because I love the people and they are worth fighting for.”

Deborah Robinson
“I do what I do in the rural communities of Mississippi because these are areas that are left out and need a lot of attention.”

Oleta Fitzgerald
“The greatest success that I’ve seen in my work in the rural south beyond electoral results, has been the reaction and commitment of young Black women to save America from itself.”

Pierrette “Petee” M. Talley
Co-Convener, Ohio Black Women’s Roundtable
“I do what I do in Ohio, because I believe Black people have power when they come together to make change.”

Angela Shute-Goodman
“I have to be the voice of the least of these. We as Black women have to be that in order to build promise and future.”

Rev. Dr. Judith C. Moore
Executive Director, Sisters Saving Ourselves NOW
“The shoulders I stand on [are] my mother’s and the women of her community…They encouraged me and kept me safe.”

Donna Frisby-Greenwood
“I do what I do in the city of Philadelphia to make a difference in the lives of young people and make sure our people are always informed and engaged.”

Tiffany Dominique
Urban Affairs Coalition, Youth Outreach Adolescent Awareness Project (YOACAP)
“I do what I do in the city of Philadelphia, because I don’t know how to be any other way. I know there is a need and I have a gift and I want to share it.”