Ramona Hoage Edelin, PhD is a scholar, activist, lecturer, and executive consultant with 50 years of experience in leadership to uplift and advance African Americans and the economically disadvantaged. She has served as President of the National Urban Coalition, Director of the CBCF, and Executive Director of the District of Columbia Association of Chartered Public Schools. She is currently Senior Advisor of the DC Charter School Alliance.
At a meeting convened by the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson in 1988, she recommended the consistent use of African American as a cultural offensive, which has resulted in acceptance of this geo-politically correct nomenclature nationally and globally.
Dr. Edelin. is the author of, We the Village: Achieving our Collective Greatness Now. She was listed in EBONY Magazine’s List of 100 Most Influential Black Americans and Organizations, 1993 – 1999 and EBONY Magazine’s Women to Watch. She received the Southern Christian Leadership Award for Progressive Leadership.